
  • João Gomes Neto UFSM
  • Roando Viana Soares



Prescribed Burning, soil, Ph, Pinus


The objetive of this work was to study the influence of prescribed burning on variation of soil, PH in pine plantations (P. caribaea var. hondurensis e P. oocarpa). The research was carried out in the Sacramento Country, MG, in a clayey red yellow latosol. It were selected two areas (250m x 600m) for each species, surrounded by- breaks and burned in two times, at 10 AM and 4PM, according to the back- fire technique. The experimental areas were divided in  eight plots each in a completely randomized design. Litter and soil samples at several depths were collection before, immediately after, 7 and 14 months after the five in a O-50cm soil profiles, opened at the intersection of tree lines. Data analvsis showed that the soil PH (KCl) presented a rapid increase after the fire, stabilizing afterward afterward of both studied species. The soil PH (H2o) showed a rapid increase after the for the P. oocarpa and was observed a significative increase 14 months after the fire, in both studied species.


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How to Cite

Gomes Neto, J., & Soares, R. V. (1999). INFLUENCE OF PRESCRIBED BURNING ON SOIL, pH IN PINE PLANTATIONS OF SACRAMENTO, MG. Ciência Florestal, 5(1), 87–101.




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