Classification of successional stages in atlantic forests: a methodological approach based on a fuzzy expert system




Ecological succession, Fuzzy logic, Atlantic Forest


A method based on fuzzy modeling was developed for the classification of the stages of a forest succession. The construction of the model considered the criteria established by CONAMA, which define secondary vegetation in the initial, middle, and advanced stages of regeneration of the Atlantic Forest, as guidelines for the management of native vegetation in the state of São Paulo. The proposed model was applied for classifying cases reported in the literature, where floristic and phytosociological analysis of the forest structure had been performed employing the judgment of experts. The fuzzy modeling approach provided good agreement with the conclusions of the experts, according to the Kappa index. In conclusion, fuzzy modeling is a promising technique for addressing subjectivity and uncertainty in the classification ofsuccessional stages in the Atlantic Forest.


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Author Biographies

Maurício Tavares Mota, State University of São Paulo, Sorocaba, SP

Graduated in BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES by PUC / SP (2001).
PhD in Environmental Sciences by the Institute of Science and Technology UNESP / Campus Sorocaba (2018);
Master in Sustainability in Environmental Management by UFSCAR (2013);
Esp. in Environment and Sustainable Development.Sustainable - UNESP;
Esp. in Genetics Teaching - UFPR; Esp. in Teaching in Higher Education - UNICSUL.
He acts as a consultant in the area of environmental licensing.
Has experience in the area of urban planning, botany, with emphasis on planning and management of protected spaces linked to the urban environment. 
He acted as a parliamentary advisor with experience in executing bills, issuing opinions and advising on public institutional relations.
He worked as an environmental manager at the Municipality of Sorocaba, especially in the development and management of environmental projects.

Adriano Bressane, State University of São Paulo, Sorocaba, SP

Professor at the Paulista State University (Unesp). Post-doctorate in Urban Systems from the Pontifical Catholic University (PUC). PhD in Environmental Sciences by the Sorocaba Institute of Science and Technology (ICTS). Environmental Engineer with a Masters in Urban Engineering from the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar). Professional experience as technical consultant in environmental projects. Researcher focused on artificial intelligence applied to environmental modeling (EnvAI). Scientific reviewer by the magazines Springer, SciELO and Elsevier.

José Arnaldo Frutuoso Roveda, State University of São Paulo Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Sorocaba, SP

He holds a degree in Mathematics from the State University of São Paulo (Júlio de Mesquita Filho) (1995), a Masters in Mathematics from the Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho State University (1998) and a PhD in Mathematics from the University of Brasília (2002). Since 2003, he has been an assistant professor at UNESP - Paulista State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho, at the Institute of Science and Technology, Sorocaba campus. He has experience in Mathematics, with emphasis on Mathematical Modeling, working mainly on the following themes: mathematical modeling applied to environmental problems and fuzzy logic. He was Coordinator of the Environmental Engineering Course from 2014 to 2016. He is currently responsible for the Coordination of the Graduate Program in Environmental Sciences of Unesp, Sorocaba campus, during the four-year period 2017-2020

Sandra Regina Monteiro Masalskiene Roveda, State University of São Paulo Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Sorocaba, SP

PhD in Mathematics from the University of Brasília (UnB) - Brasília (DF), Assistant Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Environmental Sciences of the Sorocaba Institute of Science and Technology (SP) - Unesp.


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How to Cite

Mota, M. T., Bressane, A., Roveda, J. A. F., & Roveda, S. R. M. M. (2019). Classification of successional stages in atlantic forests: a methodological approach based on a fuzzy expert system. Ciência Florestal, 29(2), 519–530.




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