biomass allocation, ecological restoration, forest seedlings, hydrological regimeAbstract
The presence of water in the soil, in both temporary and permanent regimes, requires different adaptive strategies of plant species that occupy these areas. On this way, we investigated morphological responses of Cedrela fissilis Vell. (Meliaceae) seedlings subjected to different lengths and intensities of flooding. Seedlings of Cedrela fissilis were subjected to two flooding intensity treatments (up to the neck level and total submersion) in three different lengths (five, 15 and 20 days) and we assessed shoot height, numbers of leaf and leaflet, stem diameter and chlorophyll indices a, b and total after 30, 60 and 90 days of recovery from the flood condition. After 90 days of recovery, total height, root diameter, root size, total biomass, leaf area and root growth were evaluated. Non- flooded seedlings constituted a control group. The seedlings subjected to total flooding did not survive. On the other hand, those seedlings under partial flooding restarted growing throughout 90 days of flood recovery. We did not found differences in growth variables and biomass allocation in relation to the control group. However, we observed that plants subjected to 20 days of partial flooding had higher leaf abscission and were accompanied by an increase in the chlorophyll levels. The results indicated that this species shows tolerance to partial flooding and should be carefully selected for planting areas.
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