
  • Esther Carone Blumenfeld
  • Rozely Ferreira dos Santos
  • Sueli Aparecida Thomaziello
  • Sidnei Ragazzi



conservation, human influence, environmental planning


The edge effects in forest fragments are one of the more significant consequences of the fragmentation promoted by land uses. To understand and manage them we need accurate knowledge about the influences in different use types on the borders of the forest fragments. In this sense, this study has identified the extent of edge effects in a forest fragment in relation to different neighborhoods. The study was conducted in a Forest Reserve (Reserva Florestal do Morro Grande, SP) and its surroundings. The area was mapped and three types were selected to study their edge effects: forest, urban and agricultural areas. The classification and the extent of the edge effects were obtained through a field survey of border indicators in 100 meters from border to interior. The data were evaluated by analysis of variance. The indicators showed a predominance of abiotic edge effects at depths less than 70m. This effect was more significant when the neighborhood was an urban area. The group of biotic indicators extended beyond the 100 meters and the effects were more intense in an agricultural area. By the method adopted, the best parameters for the analysis of edge effects were temperature and diameter of trees.


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How to Cite

Blumenfeld, E. C., dos Santos, R. F., Thomaziello, S. A., & Ragazzi, S. (2016). RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN NEIGHBORHOODS MATRIX AND THE EDGE EFFECTS IN A FOREST FRAGMENT. Ciência Florestal, 26(4), 1301–1316.



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