
  • Joaquim Carlos Gonçalez UFSM
  • Tiago Leandro Freire Félix
  • Fernando Nunes Gouveia
  • José Arlete Alves Camargos
  • Patrícia Gomes Ribeiro




, photodegradation, species, nitrocellulose, polisten


Ultraviolet radiation is considered the most damaging radiation to wood, affecting its properties and especially its color. The application of finishing products such as varnishes, stains and inks can minimize the action of this radiation. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of ultraviolet radiation, through artificially accelerated aging, on the color of freijó wood (Cordia goeldiana Huber) treated with “polisten” and sealer (nitrocellulose), by means of spectrocolorimetric tracking. The samples of wood were subjected to cycles of ultraviolet radiation in a photochemical reactor for 84 and 168 hours. The colorimetric parameters (L*, a*, b*, C, h*) were measured before and after the treatments. The treatment with “polisten” offered greater protection against ultraviolet radiation, yielding greater stability to the parameters. The treatment with sealer led to a greater change in color after the simulation of aging in the photochemical reactor.


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How to Cite

Gonçalez, J. C., Félix, T. L. F., Gouveia, F. N., Camargos, J. A. A., & Ribeiro, P. G. (2010). EFFECT OF ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION ON THE COLOR OF FREIJÓ WOOD (Cordia goeldiana Huber) AFTER APPLICATION OF FINISHING PRODUCTS. Ciência Florestal, 20(4), 657–664. https://doi.org/10.5902/198050982424




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