growth, volume, mono-specific plantation, agroforestry system.Abstract
This work aimed to study the behavior of the species Schizolobium parahyba var. amazonicum (Huber ex Ducke) Barneby (In the Portuguese language ‘Paricá’) at different ages and cultivation systems in Aurora do Pará (Pará state, Brazil). The experiment was carried out in the experimental territory of ‘Tramontina Belém S.A. company’ (2°10’00”s; 47°32’00”w), using a thoroughly random statistical outline with subdivided plots. We selected six plantation forests of Paricá: 1- agroforestry system of Paricá and Curauá (Ananas comosus var. erectifolius) (SAFpc); 2- monoespecific plantation of Paricá (MONp); 3- agroforestry system with Paricá, freijo (C. goeldiana) and curauá(SAFpfc); 4- consortium of Paricá and Friejo (CONpf); 5- agroforestry system with Paricá, Freijo, Mogno and Curaua (SAFpfmc); 6- Consortium of Paricá, Magno and Freijo (CONpmf). The plot size was 18m x 24m with four repetitions per treatment, amounting for 28 plots and 10.368 m2 of experimental area. The numbers used as reference to evaluate the growth of Paricá were height (H) and breast height diameter (DAP). Based on those values the average increments per year were calculated in DAP (IMAdap), H (IMAalt) and volume (V); The data was submitted a Variance Analysis and the average compared through Student Newman Keuls test (SNK), at 95% probability level. The results showed that Paricá and Curaua, if associated, presented statistically higher numbers in height and diameter at breast height, increment and volume, if compared to same age treatments in the absence of the agricultural species.
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