
  • Glauciana da Mata Ataíde
  • Renato Vinícius Oliveira Castro
  • Anne Caroline Guieiro Correia
  • Geraldo Gonçalves dos Reis
  • Maria das Graças Ferreira Reis
  • Antônio Marcos Rosado



Wind damage, forestry research and development, physiological adaptation


In many parts of the world, significant damage to forests are seen due to the action of strong winds, as they occur on tops of trees and can irreparably damage whole forest settlements, breaking or uprooting trees. It has been a constant concern to both understand the phenomenon as the tolerance of genotypes grown in different environments subject to performance of these meteorological phenomena. Thus, this work was carried out as a bibliographic research on the effect of wind on forests, addressing ecophysiological and silvicultural aspects. The knowledge of anatomical, physical and mechanical properties of wood, as well as the environmental factors, allows a better understanding of the problem in order to facilitate the proposal of measures to minimize damages.


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How to Cite

Ataíde, G. da M., Castro, R. V. O., Correia, A. C. G., Reis, G. G. dos, Reis, M. das G. F., & Rosado, A. M. (2015). INTERACTION OF TREES AND WINDS: ECOPHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS AND FORESTRY. Ciência Florestal, 25(2), 523–535.



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