
  • Jane Luisa Wadas Lopes UFSM
  • Magali Ribeiro da Silva
  • João Carlos Cury Saad
  • Talita dos Santos Angélico



eucalypt, hydro absorbent polymers, irrigation, plantation.


This study aimed to evaluate the use of hydrogel in the survival of cuttings of Eucalyptus urograndis produced with different types of substrate and water management. The experiment was carried out using cuttings of the same clone, produced up to 50 days after the cutting, in two different nurseries (“C” and “E"). Then, all the cuttings were allocated to the same nursery for 80 days, where they received irrigation at different frequencies. After this period, the cuttings were transplanted into polyethylene pots, in clay soil, with and without hydrogel. The results obtained were subjected to the variance technique for totally randomized experiments. Data analysis revealed that the plants with hydrogel displayed delayed symptoms of water deficit. Regardless of the cutting's origin (“C” or “E”), the hydrogel influenced survival, guaranteeing 37 days without additional irrigation. The nursery water management only influenced the plants from nursery "E", and the plants adapted to the lack of water (water management with one daily irrigation) took more time to present symptoms of water deficit.


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How to Cite

Lopes, J. L. W., Silva, M. R. da, Saad, J. C. C., & Angélico, T. dos S. (2010). USE OF HYDROGEL IN THE SURVIVAL OF CUTTINGS OF Eucalyptus urograndis PRODUCED WITH DIFFERENT TYPES OF SUBSTRATE AND WATER MANAGEMENT. Ciência Florestal, 20(2), 217–224.


