Coleoptera, insect monitoring, population fluctuation.Abstract
The objective of this research was to study population fluctuation of Coleoptera species in a Eucalyptus urophylla plantation in the Municipality of Almerin, State of Para, Brazil. Insects were collected with light traps during one night every fifteen days from September 1995 to August 1996. They were identified based on entomological collections and specialized literature and divided in groups identified at species (INE) or family levels (INF). A total of 132 species of the Coleoptera order was collected, being 23 identified at species and 109 at family levels with 2.972 and 7,187 individuals, respectively. Anomala sp.1, Leucothireus sp. (Scarabaeidae) and Ciclocephala lamminata (Dynastidae) were the most abundant ones with 93.4% of individuals of the first group. Carabidae presented the highest number of individuals (6411) and species (31) for those insects identified at family level. Individuals of Coleoptera were trapped in all collections but with largest number of individuals of this order in January 1996.
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