
  • Murilo Lacerda Barddal UFSM
  • Carlos Vellozo Roderjan
  • Franklin Galvão
  • Gustavo Ribas Curcio



floodplain forest, structure, composition, ground water regime.


This research is part of the work of the Barigui river’s floodplain forest (Barddal, 2002) and analyse the floristic and structure of the community’s understory, composed of shrub-arboreal individuals with perimeter at breast height (PBH) lower than 15 cm and up to 1,30 m height. Correlation of phytosociological parameters with the physiography, previously investigated, was also studied. Twenty plots of 25 m² were used, where the botanical species, height and diameter at base height (DBH) of each individual were evaluated. Among the 39 species found the most important was Allophylus edulis (A.St.-Hil., Cambess. e A. Juss.) Radkl. (vacum), that showed the largest parametric values and plasticity to ground water regime. It was inferred that possibly, artificial drainage was promoting the access of moderated and weakly tolerant flood species in these areas, originally composed of very specific flora.


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How to Cite

Barddal, M. L., Roderjan, C. V., Galvão, F., & Curcio, G. R. (2005). PHYTOSOCIOLOGY OF THE UNDERSTORY OF A FLOODPLAIN FOREST, AT ARAUCARIA, PR. Ciência Florestal, 14(1), 35–45.




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