
  • Oscar Agustín Torres Figueredo UFSM
  • Pedro Roberto de Azambuja Madruga
  • Rudiney Soares Pereira



geographic information system, landuse, satellites images.


San Pedro of Ycuamandyyú is located in the northwest of the oriental region of Paraguay. The objectives of this work were the elaboration and the analysis of the map of the land use for the planning of forest activities in the place, for which were used techniques of cartography, remote sensing and (GIS) Geographical Information’s Systems, that facilitated the analysis of information coming from satellites images LANDSAT TM 5, topographical chart and (GPS) Global Position System, that allowed the processing of data in the program Idrisi 2.0 for the map manufactoring that facilitated the analysis on the situation of the land use in the municipality. Some predominant categories were distinguished as the high meadows or natural fields, agricultural use and low meadows, being the forest covering less than 25%. As general conclusion the municipality presents enough areas of natural fields and agricultural use that could be used for reforestation activities, lither native or exotic species of rapid growth with the purpose of obtaining values of forest covering in balance with the other categories of land use.


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How to Cite

Figueredo, O. A. T., Madruga, P. R. de A., & Pereira, R. S. (2005). GEOPROCESSING APPLIED TO LAND USE ANALYSIS ON SAN PEDRO DE YCUAMANDYYÚ, PARAGUAY. Ciência Florestal, 12(2), 177–185.



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