caffeine, tea, liquid extract.Abstract
The objective of this paper is to evaluate the physical and chemical characteristics of tea (mate), such as humidity and volatile substances at 105 °C % (p/p), fixed mineral residues %(p/p), insoluble fixed mineral residues in solution of HCl at 10% v/v % (p/p), liquid extract % (p/p), and caffeine % (p/p).The results obtained in the sample analysis were compared with the established norms of decree 234 of march, 25, 1998 from the Health Ministry. The samples had been collected in four large regions of tea production in Santa Catarina State, with specific conditions of soil and climate. The results showed that at the time of the largest vegetation growth occurring in the months of September and December, few samples reached the caffeine levels established in the decree. In the evaluations taken in January, February, March, June and July, the majority of samples reached the minimum level of caffeine established in 0,5g/100g for tea. The others characteristics analyzed are within the norms of established legislation.
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