Anatomical characteristics of <i>Tectona grandis</i> L.f from different sites in Mato Grosso state
Wood anatomy, Teak, ProvenanceAbstract
The anatomical characteristics of the wood are influenced by the quality of the sites of the material provenance, which, consequently, leads to alterations in its physical and mechanical properties. The aim of this paper was to assess and characterize the organoleptic and anatomical properties of the teak (Tectona grandis) from different sites in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Regarding the anatomical characteristics the length, width, diameter and the thickness of the wall for fiber were assessed; the length and diameter of the vessels; the length, width and frequency of the rays. The results obtained showed that the organoleptic properties do not present variations between the different sites. The effect of the site, where the teak plantation is established, produced significant variations in the parameters of the fibers (length, width of the fiber, lumen diameter and thickness of the wall) and in the rays (length, width and frequency). However, no significant vessel-related changes were seen.
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