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Mathematical modeling in quantification of [18F] FDG positron emission tomography images




Radiotracer, positron emission tomography (PET), reference region, kinetic modeling.


Techniques for locating and quantifying brain glucose metabolism using compartmental modeling by solving systems of differential equations ordinary require an input function (input function), Ca(t). To avoid invasive procedures, such as collecting arterial blood samples, it is possible to obtain Ca(t) of the first order ordinary differential equation Cr´(t) = K1Ca(t)-K2Cr(t), where Cr(t) describes the concentration of the radiopharmaceutical in a reference region. Cr(t) is built from data obtained by processing images generated by positron emission tomography (PET) with radiotracers. In this work, the carotids were chosen as the reference region, and regression techniques were applied seeking to adjust the discrete activity curves (TAC) data obtained by PET imaging with the radiopharmaceutical fluorodeoxyglucose [18F]FDG. Aiming to find the same model type for all patients, the picewise linear function proved to be adequate to describe four stages of the behavior of the Cr(t) concentration: rapid growth and degrowth, intermediate and slow degrowths.


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Biografia do Autor

Nadine Skolaude Timm, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul - Escola Politécnica

Nadine Skolaude Timm, student of Chemical Engineering (PUCRS).

Eliete Biasotto Hauser, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul - Escola Politécnica

Eliete Biasotto Hauser, Master in Mathematics, PhD in Applied Mathematics, PhD in Mechanical Engineering (UFRGS). Full Professor at the School of Technology (PUCRS) . Researcher in Applied Mathematics of the Brain Institute of Rio Grande do Sul (BraIns). 


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Como Citar

Timm, N. S., & Hauser, E. B. (2021). Mathematical modeling in quantification of [18F] FDG positron emission tomography images. Ciência E Natura, 43, e6.



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