Fundamental interactions and particles


  • Orimar Antônio Battistel Departamento de Física, Centro de Ciências Naturais e Exatas - CCNE Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM, Santa Maria, RS.



We present a discussion of some of the ideas and facts that led to the modern conception of the structure of matter in terms of basic constituents and fundamental interactions. We discuss the construction of the quark model in a historical context, stressing that the phenomenological knowledge of particle properties induced the mathematical formalism. The interaction between quarks is discussed in the framework of the color force based on the exchange of gluons. For the sake of completeness we mention briefly the microworld structure that emerged from these new ideas.


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Freeman J. Dyson

Scientific American, abril de 1953 (Field Theory).

Murray Gell-Mann and E.P. Rosenbaun

Scientific American, julho de 1957 (Elementary Particles).

Geoffrey F. Chew, Murray Gell-Mann and Arthur H. Rosenfeld

Scientific American, fevereiro de 1964 (Strongly Interacting Particles).

Sidney D. Drell

Scientific American, junho de 1975 (Electron-Positron Annihilation and the

New Particles).

Sheldon Lee Glashow

Scientific American, outubro de 1975 (Quarks with Color and Flavor).

Yoichiro Nambu

Scientific American, novembro de 1976 (The Confinement of Quark).

Kenneth A. Jhonson

Scientific American, Julho de 1979 (The Bag Model of Quark Confinement).

Steven Weinberg

Scientific American, Julho de 1974 (Unified Theories of Elementary Particle Interaction).

Review of Particle Properties

Phys. Lett. B204, (1988) 1-486.



How to Cite

Battistel, O. A. (1992). Fundamental interactions and particles. Ciência E Natura, 14(14), 71–104.