Link Prediction in Social Networks Using Markov Random Field


  • Zohreh Zalaghi DQ-CCNE/UFSM



Link prediction is an important task for social networks analysis, which also has applications in other domains such as information retrieval, recommender systems and e-commerce. The task is related to predicting the probable connection between two nodes in the netwok. These links are subjected to loss because of the improper creation or the lack of reflection of links in the networks; so it`s possible to develop or complete these networks and recycle the lost items and information through link prediction. In order to discover and predict these links we need the information of the nodes in the network. The information are usually extracted from the network`s graph and utilized as factors for recognition. There exist a variety of techniques for link prediction, amongst them, the most practical and current one is supervised learning based approach. In this approach, the link prediction is considered as binary classifier that each pair of nodes can be 0 or 1. The value of 0 indicates no connection between nodes and 1 means that there is a connection between them. In this research, while studying probabilistic graphical models, we use Markov random field (MRF) for link prediction problem in social networks. Experimentl results on Flicker dataset showed the proposed method was better than previous methods in precision and recall.


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Como Citar

Zalaghi, Z. (2015). Link Prediction in Social Networks Using Markov Random Field. Ciência E Natura, 37, 125–132.



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