Mapeamento dos Conflitos no Uso da Terra em Áreas de Preservação Permanente na Microbracia Hidrográfica do Córrego Capitão Décio, Nova Xavantina – MT


  • Carlos Eduardo Toniazzo Pinto UNEMAT
  • Amintas Nazareth Rossete UNEMAT



The permanent preservation areas (PPAs) are ecosystems which have relevantimportance for the environment balance, preserving the quality ofassociated water, flora and fauna. The PPAs were created to protect thenatural environment by prohibiting the change on the land use. This studyhad as major objective the mapping of the areas of conflict used on thePPAs. The work was developed in the hydrographical watershed of theCapitão Décio stream (WCD), located in Nova Xavantina - MT. It was possibleto map seven different land uses and land covers, and to define thePPAs boundaries as well as map generation of environmental conflicts,by using techniques of digital processing image and GIS. The data verifies that the WCD had 53.60% of area occupied by man and 46.40% coveredwith natural vegetation; the agriculture was the predominant landuse, representing 2.648,22 hectares, and the cerrado was the most commonvegetation with limited 3.153,07 hectares. On the mapping, the PPAswere bounded covering a total of 776.58 hectares in WCD, and dividedon the area alongside watercourses margins (601.80 ha), springs (40.78ha), and water bodies (92.29 ha), as well as hilltops and ridges lines (41.71ha). By overlapping the map of land use and land cover, and the PPAs, itwas created a map of environmental conflicts. On the identification wasfound that only 11.47% of the PPAs are subjected to a misuse regimewhereas the native vegetation covered 88.53%. By identifying the areas ofuse conflicts, this work becomes an important instrument for promoting the proper management of natural resources, especially on water studies.


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Author Biographies

Carlos Eduardo Toniazzo Pinto, UNEMAT

Carlos Eduardo Toniazzo Pinto Laboratório de Análise Ambiental Departamento de Ciências Biológicas Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso Campus de Nova Xavantina

Amintas Nazareth Rossete, UNEMAT

Dr. AMINTAS NAZARETH ROSSETE Laboratório de Análise Ambiental Departamento de Ciências Biológicas Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso Campus de Nova Xavantina



How to Cite

Pinto, C. E. T., & Rossete, A. N. (2013). Mapeamento dos Conflitos no Uso da Terra em Áreas de Preservação Permanente na Microbracia Hidrográfica do Córrego Capitão Décio, Nova Xavantina – MT. Ciência E Natura, 34(2), 139–155.


