How has deforestation affected and might affect the climate in the Amazon basin during the rainy season?
Deforestation, Regional modeling climate, Climate changesAbstract
Changes in land use and land cover in the Amazon rainforest, whether due to natural or anthropogenic causes, are occurring at increasingly rapid rates, with potential implications for regional climate. Therefore, studies aiming to understand the effects of deforestation on the Amazon basin are becoming highly necessary. The main objective of this study was to understand, through regional numerical modeling, how deforestation has been affecting and may affect in the future the spatial pattern of precipitation and temperature in the Amazon basin during the rainy season. To achieve this, data from numerical experiments with different spatial scales of deforestation in the Amazon were used. These data were generated by the regional ETA model forced by the HadGEM2-ES model for a 30-year period. The analyses were performed in the form of climate anomalies. For the current climate, the results indicate that a scenario of partial deforestation would lead to significant increases in temperature and a slight local increase in precipitation in the Arc of Deforestation region. On the other hand, a scenario in which the entire Amazon Forest is removed showed more prominent increases in temperature and reductions in precipitation throughout the Amazon basin.
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