Irrational Powers: perspectives for Higher Education




Irrational exponents, Exponential function, Logarithmic function, Mathematics teaching


The set of real numbers has a fundamental role in the teaching of mathematics, both in Elementary and Higher Education levels, and should not be ignored the difficulties that students have in relation to such elements, especially the irrational. Thus, with the objective of seeking to produce knowledge on this topic, we developed ways to address the power function, exponential, their inverses and their respective derived functions, seeking to clarify the continuity. Therefore, we sought to know how textbooks present the exponential function and the rules of derivation the power functions, emphasizing the case of irrational exponents and, based on reflections, many of them inspired by the work Cálculo Diferencial and Integral by Courant (1951), we have prepared a material that resume discussions about the basic properties and expand the arguments regarding the continuity of such functions, in addition to an appropriate definition for the value a raised to the exponent x. As a result, we present two perspectives for working with  this functions, as well as alternatives for defining powers of irrational exponents. We believe that this meeting of different interpretations enables a rethinking of the concepts, allowing achieve new perception on such matters.


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Author Biographies

Kelly Roberta Mazzutti Lübeck, State University of Western Paraná, Cascavel, PR

Has a degree in Mathematics, a Full Degree in Mathematics, a Master's in Mathematics and a PhD in Mathematics. She is currently an Associate Professor at the Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná-UNIOESTE of the Licentiate in Mathematics and in the Graduate Program in Teaching.

Regina Célia Guapo Pasquini, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Londrina, PR

Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics, specialization in Mathematics, Master's in Mathematics and PhD in Mathematics Education. She is currently an adjunct professor at the Department of Mathematics at the Universidade Estadual de Londrina.


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How to Cite

Lübeck, K. R. M., & Pasquini, R. C. G. (2022). Irrational Powers: perspectives for Higher Education. Ciência E Natura, 43, e91 .