Biodiversity in urban centers: survey on palm trees in Antônio Danubio Park
Green areas, Conservation, ArecaceaeAbstract
The green areas conservation in urban perimeters is an effective way to maintain native plant species, in addition to the important socio-environmental role they play in cities. Parque Antônio Danúbio is a conserved forest fragment in the metropolitan area of Belém, Pará, which presents a great diversity of native flora species, especially palm trees. The present study objective was to carry out a survey of the palm trees in Parque Antônio Danúbio aiming to know the vegetation structure through the distribution and frequency of the registered species. The study was made using a qualitative approach, frequency and structure analyzes (height classes) were also carried out. Nine palm species were identified, being açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart.), mumbaca (Astrocaryum gynacanthum Mart.) and bacaba (Oenocarpus bacaba Mart.) the most frequent. Individuals distribution in the height classes indicated that there is regeneration in the environment. Such results show that Parque Antônio Danúbio presents a representative diversity of native palm trees, and the populations of these species enjoy good conditions for their development.
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