Acoustic similarity among disjunct populations of Formicarius colma Boddaert, 1783 (Aves: Formicariidae)
WrableR, Bioacoustics, BiogeographyAbstract
The isolation caused by habitat fragmentation may promote morphological and behavioral divergences, even in Suboscine birds. Formicarius colma is a Miocene specie, which has today a disjunct distribution among atlantic and amazonic forest and four subspecies. To evaluate significant differences among their subspecies vocalizations we analyze 73 records with 16 bioacoustic parameters. To analyze acoustic similarity we performed a Principal Component Analysis (PCA), t tests and ANOVA. The F. colma vocalization is a trill, ranging from 2.4 to 3.5 kHz, with dominant frequency of 2.48 kHz and mean duration of 2,8 s. The grouping analysis not shows statistics differences among F. colma subspecies vocalizations, even among disjunct populations. Howsoever, we can observe a tendency of segregation among amazonic and atlantic populations. This acoustic similarity may be relate to the low vocal plasticity founded in Suboscine and environmental pressure over these populations are not been adequate to select distinct modulations on subspecies song. Therefore, even a great separation time there are no significant vocal differences among studied population.
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