Development of a package for conveying helicoids
Transport, Packaging, HelicoidsAbstract
To facilitate the transportation and storage of products, packaging plays a key role. The present article refers to the development of a project, which aimed to develop a packaging for the transport of heavy parts from the agricultural sector, especially for helicoids used in harves ters, in order to optimize the loading and unloading time, considering protection aspects during transportation and reliability in delivery. The present work was carried out from the survey of customer requirements and subsequently weighted and hierarchized through the quality function deployment tool. B ased on the importance of customer requirements, project requirements were elaborated with expert input. Then the conceptual framework of the product was developed. F rom the main functions, secondary functions were defined to create packaging designs, where two combinations of possible solutions were presented, one using wood as the main raw material and the other made using rotomolded plastic. The project was detailed and the wood packaging prototy pe was created considering also the costs.
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