Profile Analysis of Rural Entrepreneurs of a Municipality of the Central Region of Rio Grande do Sul
Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Profile, Innovation, Rural property managementAbstract
For a long time the concepts of economic growth and entrepreneurship were understood as essential for the development of a country. Schumpeter introduced the concept of entrepreneurship, seeking to reinforce the association between entrepreneur and innovation as a proportioning element of economic development. According to Schumpeter (1982), entrepreneur is the person who can convert an idea or invention into a successful innovation. The current developmental framework of society and the constant economic, social and cultural transformations contribute significantly to the changes in the ways of thinking and acting of contemporary man. This study aims to analyze and understand the entrepreneurial profile of a municipality in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul State. Regarding the method, it is classified as a quantitative study (survey) composed of closed questions with Likert scale elaborated based on in literature. The research results allowed us to understand the profile of entrepreneurs, characteristics, types of investments, level of competitiveness, degrees of behavior, etc. Findings are of paramount importance for growth, new business propositions, new business conceptions, new opportunities. Brazil is a country where people aspire for technology, innovation and creativity. As a result, the study made it possible to understand the entrepreneur of rural entrepreneurs, and to verify that in recent years, there have been changes in production cultures, the need for technological adaptations, and the search for management knowledge, to maintain the competitiveness and economic growth of companies.
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