Fauna Edáfica em Sistemas de Cultivo de Batata, Soja, Feijão e Milho


  • Zaida Inês Antoniolli UFSM
  • Carlos Alberto Casali UFSM
  • Genuir Luis Denega UFSM
  • Manoeli Lupatini UFSM
  • Ricardo Bemfica Steffen UFSM
  • Stefen Barbosa Pujol UFSM
  • Valmir José de Quadros Unijuí


The work aimed to evaluate the edaphic mesofauna, in organic,integrated and mineral cultivation systems, in potato, soybean, bean andmaize crops. The experimental design was the randomized blocks, withportions of 100 m2 in each cultivated systems. The soil sample collectionwas submitted to the flotation process and after identification of theorganisms by microscope. The highest abundance of organisms of themesofauna was observed in the potato and maize crops. In the cultivatedorganic system the higher richness of organisms occurred in the potato,soybean and maize cultures, their the integrated systems, in the bean culture.The taxa with higher frequency were Acarina, Collembola, Hymenoptera,Coleoptera and Isoptera. Among the nematodes were founded, the genusMeloidogyne predominated in all cultivation systems and cultures.




How to Cite

Antoniolli, Z. I., Casali, C. A., Denega, G. L., Lupatini, M., Steffen, R. B., Pujol, S. B., & de Quadros, V. J. (2009). Fauna Edáfica em Sistemas de Cultivo de Batata, Soja, Feijão e Milho. Ciência E Natura, 31(1), 115–130. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufsm.br/cienciaenatura/article/view/9915

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