Diversidade de Artrópodes na Serapilheira em Fragmentos de Mata Nativa e pinus elliottii (engelm. Var elliottii)


  • Carlos Eduardo Copatti UNICRUZ
  • Clarissa Rocha Daudt UNICRUZ


The Brazil has the higher biodiversity of the planet, although theimplementations of monocultures more the process of fragmentation ofthe forests is a factor that to take to simplification of the ecosystems and the extinction of the species. The study in a native forest fragment and of amonoculture of Pinus elliottii in Jaguari-RS was done with the objective ofanalyzes the diversity of Arthropoda in litter. The collects occurred inDecember/2006, March and May/2007 and to proceed through of twomethods of capture: manual and traps of soil of the type pit-fall. The sampleswere totality random. The trial of the material involved the packing inrecipients with alcohol 70% and identification until the minor taxonomiclevel possible. On total were found 17 taxa and 888 exemplars, being thatof this, 595 individuals (16 taxa) were registered to the ambient of nativeforest and; 293 (11 taxa) to the ambient of P. elliottii. It was identifiedhigher efficacy to method of collect manual in comparison with traps ofthe type pit-fall. The taxa most abundant was Hymenoptera. Diversity,richness and abundance, in general, presented higher in native forest thanin monoculture of P. elliottii, which represents a risk in potential to thebiodiversity of Arthropoda of the litter and, consequently, to ever troficweb involved.




How to Cite

Copatti, C. E., & Daudt, C. R. (2009). Diversidade de Artrópodes na Serapilheira em Fragmentos de Mata Nativa e pinus elliottii (engelm. Var elliottii). Ciência E Natura, 31(1), 95–113. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufsm.br/cienciaenatura/article/view/9913

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