Material Particulado Atmosférico e Correlações com as Variáveis Metereológicas e Queimadas em Cuiabá, MT


  • Elisabeth Camargo Neis Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
  • Rauda Lúcia Mariani UFF/DMA-INPE
  • Andréia Maria Barbosa Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
  • José de Souza Nogueira UFF/DMA-INPE



The objective of this work was to quantify the PM10 and blackcarbon in the fine and coarse fractions and to verify relations betweenmeteorological variable and heat spots through canonic analysis. Thesampling was carried in Mato Grosso State, from June to October of 2004.The sampling was collected continuously using the Particulate Sampler of Fine and Coarse contains filters that separate the particulate matter in coarsefractions size (2.5<da<10 mm) and a fine one (da<2.5 mm), with a sampletime of 48 and 72 hours. Gravimetrically and Reflectance analyticaltechniques were used for these analyses. The average concentration of PM10was 20,6 μg.m-3, being 62.2% of particulate coarse and only 37.8% ofparticulate fine. The Fine Black Carbon presented an amplitude of 0,3 to4,2 μg. m-³. The canonic analysis results showed that variations of the fineand coarse particulate fractions were respectively 42% and 61% explainedby meteorological variable and heat spot. Significant relation betweenParticulate and heat spots was not detected.


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How to Cite

Neis, E. C., Mariani, R. L., Barbosa, A. M., & Nogueira, J. de S. (2008). Material Particulado Atmosférico e Correlações com as Variáveis Metereológicas e Queimadas em Cuiabá, MT. Ciência E Natura, 30(2), 43–56.

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