Avaliação do Rendimento Escolar dos Alunos da Primeira Série do Colégio Técnico Industrial de Santa Maria


  • Mauricio Ramos Lutz PPG em Estatística e Modelagem Quantitativa/CCNE
  • Luciane Flores Jacobi Flores Jacobi Departamento de Estatística/CCNE




To establish relationships, to find or to propose explanatory lawsis the role of science itself. The Multivariate Analysis corresponds to agreat number of methods and techniques that simultaneously use all thevariables in the theoretical interpretation of the group of colleted data. The chosen method to work with the data is the analysis of repeated measures.The collected data comes from 61 students registered regularly in the firstgrade of the high school of Santa Maria's Industrial Technical School, andwas analyzed by the Statistica 7.0 computer program, with the purpose ofverifying how educational origin influences the grades, if the studyrendiment among the genders is equivalent and also to investigate if thesubjects, by the mean grades, would form groups. The results of this analysisshow that there is no difference among the kinds of school, but betweensome subjects, and also that the girls get better grades than the boys nomatter the school of origin or subject.




How to Cite

Lutz, M. R., & Jacobi, L. F. J. F. (2007). Avaliação do Rendimento Escolar dos Alunos da Primeira Série do Colégio Técnico Industrial de Santa Maria. Ciência E Natura, 29(2), 43–52. https://doi.org/10.5902/2179460X9816