Validation of a statistc algorithm applied to LES model - Part 1: First and second order statistcs


  • Eduardo Wilde Barbaro
  • Amauri Pereira de Oliveira
  • Amauri Pereira de Oliveira
  • Jacyra de Oliveira
  • Jacyra de Oliveira



The main objective of this work is to develop a statisticalalgorithm to process the data generated by the Large-Eddy-Simulationmodel (LES) in real time. The simulations analyzed here were based ona convective, neutral and stable periods. Mainly the temperature andvelocity components were analyzed. The new statistical algorithmgenerates all the first and second order statistic moments for “u,v,w, θ ,q”,and the components of TKE equation budget. All these parameters weredeveloped to the resolved and sub-grid scales and indicate agreementwith the expected profiles.


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How to Cite

Barbaro, E. W., de Oliveira, A. P., de Oliveira, A. P., de Oliveira, J., & de Oliveira, J. (2009). Validation of a statistc algorithm applied to LES model - Part 1: First and second order statistcs. Ciência E Natura, 233–236.