Rajadas de Vento na Região Metropolitana de Salvador, Bahia


  • Pollyanna Kelly de Oliveira Silva
  • Maria Regina da Silva Aragão
  • Magaly de Fátima Correia




In this work the objective is to analyze a strong wind episodewith wind gusts and wind shears registered at the Salvador InternationalAirport on the 10th and 11th of May 2007, and to diagnose the associatedsynoptic ambient. Meteorological data collected at the airport andnumerical weather prediction products were used in the analysis. Thesurface maps indicate that this event was due to a frontal system thatpenetrated over Bahia on the 10th. The first wind gust (52 km/h) wasregistered at 18 LT (local time). The strongest wind gust (68 km/h)occurred at 22 LT. On the 11th the average wind speed was 33.2 km/h.The wind direction varied from 160º to 230º on these days. The CivilDefense of Salvador (CODESAL) registered cases of collapsed andunroofed buildings.


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How to Cite

Silva, P. K. de O., Aragão, M. R. da S., & Correia, M. de F. (2009). Rajadas de Vento na Região Metropolitana de Salvador, Bahia. Ciência E Natura, 185–188. https://doi.org/10.5902/2179460X9548

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