Análise comparativa da Camada Limite Atmosférica Tropical: Oceânica e Continental


  • Nilzele de V. Gomes
  • Josinaldo P. Ribeiro
  • Magaly F. Correia



This study analyzes the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL)applying the methodology of approach to the Point of Saturation for theEquatorial Atlantic (on the coast of the Pará and Amapá states) and thecity of Santarém, located on the west of Pará state during the deficientrainy season of 2001. The oceanic ABL showed distinct characteristics,as a sub-saturated layer in the differential pressure of saturation averageprofiles. These characteristics are not evident in Santarém due to thepresence of a stable layer at the surface mainly during daytime. It issuggested that this occurs due to the presence of the Amazon basin. Onthe average the ABL top was at similar altitude levels in both localitiesduring the deficient rainy season of 2001.


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How to Cite

Gomes, N. de V., Ribeiro, J. P., & Correia, M. F. (2009). Análise comparativa da Camada Limite Atmosférica Tropical: Oceânica e Continental. Ciência E Natura, 169–172.

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