Tests of photovoltaic modules in a wind tunnel: scale effects and aerodynamic interactions





Solar panels, Wind effects, Aerodynamic pressures


Results of a study carried out in the UNNE wind tunnel to evaluate the aerodynamic loads on panels of a solar park are presented. The experimental study analyses the model scale effects that occur when two models with different characteristics are used. Likewise, the effects of aerodynamic interaction resulting from the relative location of the panels within the park are analysed. Firstly, a preliminary dynamic/numerical evaluation is carried out and then aerodynamic coefficients are experimentally determined, which will allow the quasi-static analysis of the structure of the panel-tracker system.


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Author Biographies

Adrián Roberto Wittwer, National University of the Northeast

Mechanical Engineer, Doutor em Engenharia

Teacher - researcher

Lines of research: Wind engineering

Research group Researcher of the Aerodynamics Laboratory

Faculty of Engineering, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste

Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina

Juan Manuel Podestá, National University of the Northeast

Civil Engineer, PhD in engineering with mention in computational mechanics.

Teacher - researcher

Lines of research: computational mechanics

Research group Computational Mechanics Laboratory (LAMEC) of the Institute for Modeling and Technological Innovation (IMIT)

of the Institute for Modeling and Technological Innovation (IMIT)

National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET)

Faculty of Engineering - Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (UNNE)

Jorge Omar Marighetti, National University of the Northeast

Mechanical Engineer, Master in Engineering Sciences

Teacher - researcher

Lines of research: Wind engineering

Research group Researcher of the Aerodynamics Laboratory

Faculty of Engineering, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste

Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina

Javier Mroginski, National University of the Northeast

Civil Engineer, PhD in Engineering

Professor - researcher

Lines of research: computational mechanics

Research group Computational Mechanics Laboratory (LAMEC)

Faculty of Engineering - National University of the Northeast (UNNE)

Institute of Modeling and Technological Innovation (IMIT)

National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET)

Gisela Marina Alvarez y Alvarez, National University of the Northeast

Civil Engineer, Master in Environmental Engineering

Teacher - researcher

Lines of research: Wind engineering

Research group Aerodynamics Laboratory Researcher

Faculty of Engineering, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste

Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina

Hugo Guillermo Castro, National University of the Northeast

Civil Engineer, PhD in engineering with mention in computational mechanics.

Teacher - researcher

Lines of research: computational mechanics

Research group Computational Mechanics Laboratory (LAMEC)

Faculty of Engineering - National University of the Northeast (UNNE)

of the Institute of Modeling and Technological Innovation (IMIT)

National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET)

Mario Eduardo de Bortoli, National University of the Northeast

Civil Engineer, Doutor em Engenharia

Teacher - researcher

Lines of research: Wind engineering

Research group Aerodynamics Laboratory Researcher

Faculty of Engineering, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste

Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina

Marcelo Italo Adotti, National University of the Northeast

Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, Master's Degree in Engineering Sciences

Teacher - researcher

Lines of research: Wind engineering, computational mechanics, computational mechanics

Research group Researcher at Aerodynamics Laboratory

Institute for Modeling and Technological Innovation, CONICET, Corrientes, Argentina

Fernando Gabriel Mateo, LDK Solar (China): xinyu shi

Senior Project Manager

Jinko International Power Division,

Las Flores, Argentina

LDK Solar Co. Ltd.


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How to Cite

Wittwer, A. R., Podestá, J. M., Marighetti, J. O., Mroginski, J., Alvarez y Alvarez, G. M., Castro, H. G., Bortoli, M. E. de, Adotti, M. I., & Mateo, F. G. (2024). Tests of photovoltaic modules in a wind tunnel: scale effects and aerodynamic interactions. Ciência E Natura, 46(esp. 2), e87757. https://doi.org/10.5902/2179460X87757

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