A new device for cardiopulmonary exercise testing and exercise training for wheelchair users through the IoT. Instrumentation of a wheelchair training device using IoT
Treadmill, Wheelchair, Exercise training, Internet of Things, People with disabilitiesAbstract
Exercise training is fundamental to maintaining and improving the quality of life of wheelchair users. However, the practice of exercise training could be affected by the lack of accessibility, irregularities in the surface of the sidewalks, weather conditions and especially the lack of ergometers specifically designed for physical training of wheelchair users. The objective of this study is to develop a device capable of allowing wheelchair users access to both exercise training and cardiopulmonary exercise testing. The treadmill uses an encoder, connected to an ESP32 microcontroller to transmit the angular variation of rotation, which, after mathematical processing, displays the torque and power values developed by the individual and is sent to the cloud via Internet of Things (IoT). This device could enable social inclusion of people with disabilities during exercise training in gyms, as well as measure physical performance for medical evaluation and exercise prescription.
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