Transitional Markov Chain Monte Carlo for estimation of heat transfer coefficients in a microchannel heat sink




Conjugate heat transfer, Internal convection, Microchannels, Inverse problems, Bayesian inference, Transitional Monte Carlo Markov Chain Method


This work addresses a Bayesian methodology to solve an inverse heat transfer problem in a microchannel heat sink. The direct problem involves calculating the temperature profile on the plate, as well as the temperature of the fluid flowing in the microchannel, through a simplified mathematical model of the physical system in question. The direct problem was numerically solved using the explicit finite difference method. The inverse problem in question consists of estimating the convective heat transfer coefficients of the system within the Bayesian framework. The Transitional Markov Chain Monte Carlo was used to sample the posterior probability density function of the model parameters. The proposed methodology was evaluated from numerical simulations involving temperature data corrupted with additive noise and different models for the estimated heat transfer coefficients. Numerical analyzes are also presented considering observed temperature data generated from a complete model implemented in software COMSOL Multiphysics. The presented results show that the proposed methodology was able to estimate the heat transfer coefficients in the different considered scenarios.


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Author Biographies

Lucas da Silva Asth, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Graduate Student of Computational Modelling at Instituto Politécnico - UERJ.

Leonardo Tavares Stutz, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Associate Professor at Instituto Politécnico - UERJ.

Diego Campos Knupp, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

PhD (2013) in Mechanical Engineering from COPPE/UFRJ.

Luiz Alberto da Silva Abreu, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Assistant Professor at Instituto Politécnico - UERJ.

Bruno Carlos Lugão, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Doctor of Sciences in Computational Modelling at Instituto Politécnico - UERJ. Currently works at Corpo de Bombeiros Militares do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - Secretaria de Estado de Defesa Civil.


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How to Cite

Asth, L. da S., Stutz, L. T., Knupp, D. C., Abreu, L. A. da S., & Lugão, B. C. (2025). Transitional Markov Chain Monte Carlo for estimation of heat transfer coefficients in a microchannel heat sink. Ciência E Natura, 46.

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