Evaluation of chloride deposition using the wet candle method: a study in the city of Cabo Frio, RJ





Durability, Reinforced concrete, Ambiental aggressiveness, Chloride


In a context of durability design of reinforced concrete structures, it is necessary to establish the divisions of the aggressiveness classes of the different maritime and coastal environments, in order to contribute to the study of the classification of environmental aggressiveness. In this paper, the deposition of aggressive ions and the general climatic aspects of the coastal region of the city of Cabo Frio, RJ are evaluated. For the analysis, the wet candle method (Brazilian NBR 6211:2001) was adopted. The exhibitions were held at five different points throughout the city, each with three wet candles. To quantify the chloride content, the conductimetry method was used, which is done by measuring the electrical conductivity of an electrolyte solution, due to ion migration. The results point to a high level of chlorides in the initial range of distance from the sea and a considerable decrease from approximately 900 meters from the seashore. In this way, it was possible to verify that the city, in its interior, is under moderate to minimal aggressiveness. In the initial distances of the seashore, there is high aggressiveness. These results show the importance of considering micro exposure environments during the design phase of reinforced concrete structures.


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Author Biographies

Renata Cristina Fernandes Barbosa, Federal University of Rio Grande

Master's degree in Ocean Engineering at the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG) in progress. He has a degree in Civil Engineering from Universidade Estácio de Sá (UNESA); Technical training integrated with High School in Maritime Culture with specialization in Naval Construction at the Polytechnic Institute of UFRJ in Cabo Frio (IPUFRJ) in partnership with the Instituto Federal Fluminense (IFF); Additional training in Building Maintenance Electrician by the National Industrial Apprenticeship Service (SENAI); working mainly on the following themes: civil construction, naval construction, maritime culture and technological resources.

Rodrigo César Fernandes Barbosa, Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro

He has a technical course in Industrial Chemistry from the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio de Janeiro (IFRJ), a degree in Chemistry from the Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense (UENF), a lato sensu postgraduate degree in Forensic Chemistry from Faculdade Unyleya and a Master's degree in Chemistry from the Postgraduate Program in Chemistry at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (PPGQ-UFRRJ) (Concentration Area: Chemistry, Subarea: Organic Chemistry), having evaluated the sterol profile of N. melleni and the leishmanicidal activity of extracts of marine macroalgae in L. infantum promastigotes, in collaboration with the Trypanosomatid Biochemistry Laboratory of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (IOC-FIOCRUZ). He is currently Substitute Professor of General and Inorganic Chemistry at the IFRJ Câmpus Rio de Janeiro, Chemistry Tutor at the AprovaRJ Project, at the Extension Directorate of the Center for Science and Distance Higher Education of the State of Rio de Janeiro (DIREXT-CECIERJ), doctoral candidate in Chemistry at PPGQ-UFRRJ (Concentration Area: Chemistry, Subarea: Organic Chemistry), and coordinates the Cienciando Scientific Extension and Dissemination Groups (@cienciando.extensao), and the UFRRJ Academic Forensic Chemistry League (@laquif.ufrrj) . He has experience in the areas of Chemistry, Environment, Bromatology, Food Technology, Aquaculture and Marine Natural Products.

Rafael Carlos Fernandes Barbosa, Estácio (Brazil)

Degree in Civil Engineering from Universidade Estácio de Sá (UNESA) in progress; Technical training integrated with High School in Maritime Culture with specialization in Diving at the Polytechnic Institute of UFRJ in Cabo Frio (IPUFRJ) in partnership with the Instituto Federal Fluminense (IFF); Additional training in Aviation and Aircraft Electronics

Carolina de Medeiros Strunkis, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Holds a Degree in Chemistry from the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio de Janeiro (2016), a Master's in Science (Chemistry) and Specialization in Chemistry Teaching from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, at the Institute of Chemistry (2019/2020) and has a degree in Chemistry from CEFET de Química (2006). She participated in the Institutional Teaching Initiation Scholarship Program (PIBID) for 4 years, was a monitor for the instrumental analysis discipline in an undergraduate class at UFRJ and worked in private schools teaching chemistry, where she gained experience in the area of teaching. She has experience in the area of Chemistry, with an emphasis on Analytical Chemistry, working mainly on the following topics: microelectrode and electrochemistry. She is currently studying for a PhD in Sciences (Chemistry) at the Chemistry Institute at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

Evelton Alves Casartelli, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

holds a degree in Industrial Chemistry from the Universidade Federal Fluminense (1987), a master's degree in Chemistry (Inorganic Analytical Chemistry) from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (1991) and a PhD in Chemistry (Inorganic Analytical Chemistry) from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro ( 1999). He is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, working in the disciplines of Analytical Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry and Instrumental Analysis. He has experience in the area of Chemistry, with an emphasis on Trace Analysis, and Environmental Chemistry, working mainly on the following topics: development of devices for flow injection, direct potentiometry, molecular absorption spectroscopy, atomic absorption and icp-oes.

Gustavo Bosel Wally, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande

PhD student in the Postgraduate Program in Civil Engineering at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (PPGEC/UFRGS). Master in Ocean Engineering from the Federal University of Rio Grande (PPGEO/FURG) and Civil Engineer from the Catholic University of Pelotas (UCPel). Works at the Structural Tests and Models Laboratory (LEME/UFRGS) and at the Civil Construction Structures and Materials Laboratory (LEMCC/IFRS). He works mainly on topics related to the durability of reinforced concrete structures, with an emphasis on a performance-based approach, useful life prediction models for structures exposed to aggressive environments, mineral additions and probabilistic methods.

Fábio Costa Magalhães, Federal University of Rio Grande

Professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul - IFRS - Rio Grande Campus. Responsible for the Civil Construction Structures and Materials Laboratory (LEMCC). Permanent professor of the Postgraduate Program in Ocean Engineering (PPGEO) at the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG). He worked as a coordinator and civil engineer in private companies working in the area of civil construction and researching concrete technologies. He has a PhD in Civil Engineering (2014) from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), a Master's degree in Ocean Engineering (2009), a degree in Mathematics - Bachelor's Degree (2007) and is a Civil Engineer (2008), graduated from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Rio Grande (FURG). Develops research on topics related to the technological control of concrete, durability of reinforced concrete structures, with an emphasis on a performance-based approach, models for predicting the useful life of structures exposed to aggressive environments, reliability and probabilistic methods


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How to Cite

Barbosa, R. C. F., Barbosa, R. C. F., Barbosa, R. C. F., Strunkis, C. de M., Casartelli, E. A., Wally, G. B., & Magalhães, F. C. (2023). Evaluation of chloride deposition using the wet candle method: a study in the city of Cabo Frio, RJ. Ciência E Natura, 45(esp. 3), e74956. https://doi.org/10.5902/2179460X74956

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