Ionic ratios as markers of interactions between surface water and aquifer in the Quarenta Stream, in Manaus-AM




Geochemical signature, Quarenta Stream, IETÉ


The city of Manaus has numerous bodies of water called igarapés (canoe path – from Tupi) and this is due to the proximity of the water table to the surface, the climatological conditions and the geomorphology of the region. It is known that the city of Manaus underwent an intense and vertiginous process of urbanization, associated with a great polluting pressure on water resources, not only surface water bodies, but also the aquifer. Ionic ratios are ways of establishing similarities in geological environments and show how distinct environments with similar geochemistry can exist. However, similar chemical aspects do not always characterize natural conditions and may represent anthropogenic influence. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the ionic ratios of Mg/Na - Ca/Na, HCO3/Na - Ca/Na and Na/Cl x electrical conductivity, based on a monitoring of these variables, which lasted from June 2021 to May 2022, in the Educandos Watershed, in Manaus, associating the study between surface water and groundwater. The results suggested that there is similarity between the aquifer and the igarapé in 2/3 of the groundwater samples, which may be a strong indication of an interaction between the aquifer and surface water, possibly in an infiltration in the igarapé - aquifer sense.


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Author Biographies

Anderson da Silva Lages, National Institute of Amazonian Research

He holds a post-doctoral degree in Environmental Dynamics from the National Institute for Research in the Amazon - INPA. He has a PhD in Analytical Chemistry from the Federal University of Amazonas-UFAM, where he worked with Chemometrics applied to groundwater in the Central Amazon. He holds a master's degree in Geosciences, also from the Federal University of Amazonas, in the area of Geochemistry of the Superficial Environment-where he developed research applied to the rivers of the Madeira River basin, in the Amazon. He has a specialization in microbiology, where he has worked with epidemiological models. He is a chemist graduated from the Federal Institute of Science, Education and Technology of Amazonas-IFAM. He developed several scientific initiation projects focused on the theme of Water Quality, especially in the Negro and Solimões river basins. He has experience in teaching, both in basic education and in university training, working in higher education courses in exact sciences and health, such as engineering, pharmacy and nutrition. He also acted as a reviewer for magazines focused on Amazonian Water Resources and Chemistry Teaching. He has already supervised many course conclusion works with the theme of Environmental Chemistry and Geochemistry, Food Chemistry and Fuel Chemistry. He is a professor of the effective staff of the Secretary of State for Education-SEDUCAM. Currently, he is responsible for the chemical data of the IETÉ / INPA project of a monitoring network of an urban watershed in Manaus-AM

Angélica Chrystina Cruz Matias, National Institute of Amazonian Research

Master's student in Geosciences at the Federal University of Amazonas, (2021). She holds a degree in biological sciences from Nilton Lins University (2013) and a postgraduate degree in Forensics and Public Security from ESBAM (2016). Experience in the management of laboratories and collaborators, survey of purchases of materials, inputs and maintenance for equipment destined to spaces of academic practices and registration in the TOTVs system. Monitoring of activities in the Laboratories (classes, projects, TCCs), assistance to Course Coordinators regarding the needs of practical activities. Preparation of solutions, physical-chemical analysis, water analysis, basic microbiology, CCD chromatography. Annotation of technical responsibility (ART), guidance and supervision of the execution of sanitation services (pest control, biological control of vectors and pests and disinfection of environments). She is currently a technical fellow in microbiological analysis in a monitoring network of an urban watershed in the Amazon (Projeto IETÉ).

Sebastião Átila Fonseca Miranda, National Institute of Amazonian Research

Graduated in DEGREE IN CHEMISTRY from the Federal University of Amazonas (1981), master's degree in Chemistry from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (1985) and Ph.D. in Ecology from the School of Engineering of São Carlos (1997). He is currently a Researcher at the National Institute for Research in the Amazon, with experience in the area of Chemistry, with an emphasis on Analytical Chemistry, in the environmental chemistry laboratory. He has publications on the hydrological and hydrogeochemical characteristics of the water quality of the Manaus streams.

Paulo Renan Gomes Ferreira, National Institute of Amazonian Research

Chemistry teacher. Graduated in Chemistry - Bachelor from the Federal University of Amazonas (2006 - 2010), Master in Analytical Chemistry (2010 - 2012) and PhD in Chemistry (2017 - 2022) from the Federal University of Amazonas, completed under the guidance of Prof. doctor Genilson Pereira Santana. He is a specialist in Teaching and Higher Education Management, at Faculdade Estácio do Amazonas (2016-2018). He currently works as a fellow in a monitoring network of an urban watershed in the Amazon (Projeto IETÉ) at INPA (National Institute of Research in the Amazon), as a university professor and as a private professor with a focus on entrance exams, military competitions, tutoring and school monitoring .

Sávio José Filgueiras Ferreira, National Institute of Amazonian Research

Graduated in Licentiate and Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry from the Federal University of Amazonas (1985), Master's in Science (Nuclear Energy in Agriculture) from the University of São Paulo (1993) and Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering Sciences from the University of São Paulo (1999). He is currently a senior researcher at the National Institute for Research in the Amazon. He has experience in the area of Chemistry, with emphasis on Trace Analysis and Environmental Chemistry, working mainly on the following topics: central Amazon, terra firme forest, forest reserve, Amazon and hydrology. He currently acts as coordinator in charge of the Chemistry group of a monitoring network of an urban watershed in the Amazon (Projeto IETÉ)

Márcio Luiz da Silva, National Institute of Amazonian Research

Graduated in Geology from the Federal University of Amazonas (1997), Master in Conservation and Resource Management from the Paulista State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho (1999), PhD in Geosciences and Environment from the Paulista State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2005) and Postdoctoral fellow at UFC (2011). He is currently a researcher at the National Institute for Research in the Amazon, assigned to the Coordination of Environmental Dynamics CODAM/INPA, Leader of the RHANIA Research Group - Water Resources in Natural and Impacted Environments in the Amazon, representative of the North Region at the Brazilian Commission for International Hydrological Programs - COBRAPHI - Ministry of the Environment (2016 to 2019) and plays the role of coordinator of an integrated environmental monitoring network of an urban watershed in the Amazon (Projeto IETÉ). He has experience in the area of Geosciences, with an emphasis on Environmental Geology, working mainly on the following topics: groundwater resources and resource management.


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How to Cite

Lages, A. da S., Matias, A. C. C., Miranda, S. Átila F., Ferreira, P. R. G., Ferreira, S. J. F., & Silva, M. L. da. (2023). Ionic ratios as markers of interactions between surface water and aquifer in the Quarenta Stream, in Manaus-AM. Ciência E Natura, 45, e37.


