Mycology content before and after the BNCC changes: analysis of high school textbooks in public schools in Ariquemes-RO
Mycology, High school, Biology textbookAbstract
The textbook is considered an essential tool during the teaching-learning process, which is why, for it, the contents must be developed in a clear way and with a scientific basis, in order to facilitate the assimilation of the subjects. The present study aimed to analyze the mycology content before and after the changes in the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) in high school biology textbooks used in public schools in the city of Ariquemes, Rondônia. For this purpose, a form was prepared containing four axes (content, illustrations, contextualization and extras) and evaluation criteria, points are assigned through a semantic differential rating scale, by means of qualitative and quantitative analysis and later, for the presentation of the results, it was decided to carry out the graphic demonstration of the results obtained in a radar chart. The analysis showed that the books used by schools before the BNCC changes achieved better results in all analyzed axes, while the book used by schools in the state network expressed the lowest degree of satisfaction for all axes and criteria, showing a deficit in the content covered. Finally, there is the need for books to bring the content of mycology arranged in a broad and integral way.
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