Obtaining the elements of Pascal’s Triangle by a new recurrence relation
Pascal's Triangle, Arithmetic triangle, Recurrence, Difference equationsAbstract
Pascal’s Triangle is a numerical arrangement, constructed from binomial numbers and although istaught only in High School, several possible applications can already be seen in Elementary School. Theanalysis and development of these arrangements foster the student’s skills that involve critical andlogical-mathematical reasoning, in line with the provisions of Brazil’s National Common Curricular Base(BNCC). In this sense, this article promoted a detailed study of Pascal’s Triangle, indicating, in addition tothe already known tools, a new recurrence relation which permits obtaining elements of the triangleonly with elementary operations, without the use of combinatorial analysis. This new relation was alsoinserted in the context of the difference equations, being a homogeneous linear differential equationthat has the combination formula itself as a solution. Despite the recursive equation having the limitation of depending on the preceding element to the one to be calculated, its usage offers countlesspossibilities in education, and in this sense, some applications were evidenced.
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