Museographic transposition of the exhibition in the Água Branca Aquarium, São Paulo – Brazil
Fish, Museology, Conceptual mapAbstract
Public and private aquariums are important educational tools. However, their exhibits are often characterized by disconnected and disorganized information, making it difficult for the public to understand key aspects of particular species, as well as their entire ecological context. With this in mind, the present study aimed to analyze the museographic transposition processes that occurred in the Água Branca Aquarium involving knowledge related to the sustainability of fishing and aquaculture. To accomplish this, species files were surveyed, together with content of the information boards present in Água Branca Aquarium. Using these data, it was possible to generate a conceptual map composed of the information obtained in the form of keywords. This conceptual map, together with the products derived from it, form the foundation for modernizing exhibits presented at the Água Branca Aquarium for all content covered in the exhibition and knowledge related to the environment, fisheries and aquaculture. Such modernization will make the Água Branca Aquarium a more dynamic space for the dissemination of knowledge, providing scientific knowledge in a more didactic, but easy-to-understand, way.
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