Potential of irrigated agricultural production of cassava (Manioth esculenta Crantz) in a basin using GIS
Geotechnologies, Technical classification, MappingAbstract
This study aimed to evaluate and map the potential of agricultural production of cassava using geotechnologies for the basin of the middle course region of Paraíba river. SPRING was used to construct the maps of irrigation potential and water retention capacity of the soils and generate the partial map through matrix crossing. Annual average rainfall data were used to construct the climate condition map. Subsequently, LEGAL was used to generate the agricultural production potential map through matrix crossing between the partial map and the climate scenario map. For cassava crop, the following climatic conditions were found: Full in 13.67% of the basin’s total area; Full with prolonged rainy season in 3.55%; Moderate due to water excess was not identified; Moderate due to water deficit in 21.03%; and Unsuitable due to severe water deficit in 61.75%. Regarding the potential of irrigated agricultural production of cassava crop, there was no Very High or High, and it was classified as Medium in 3.19% of the area, Low in 5.09% and Very Low in 91.72%. Irrigated cassava cultivation is not recommended in the watershed of the region of the middle course of the Paraíba River.
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