Sensory Garden of the space for living with the semiarid environment (e-CASA) as a tool for botanical teaching in elementary school
Experiência sensorial, Espaço educador, Projeto socioambientalAbstract
The present study is an activity carried out in the sensory garden (J.S.), which integrates the extension program Living Space with the Semiarid Environment - e-CASA, locus for carrying out the actions of the Extension Program: Agroecological and environmental education: dialogues between and school for living with the semiarid region. This garden aims to provide sensory experiences to visitors, through the use of plants, which can be used as a resource for scientific and didactic purposes. In order to verify the effectiveness of activities developed at J.S. of the e-CASA, as a didactic tool for teaching Botany in the final years of Elementary School, students from a public school in Picos were invited to participate in the research. It is noteworthy that the project was carried out after approval by the Research Ethics Committee, and students could only participate with formal consent of their parents or guardians. During the guided tour, data were collected from systematic observation and through student reports. Subsequently, semi-structured questionnaires were applied in order to obtain information regarding the study and analyze the level of satisfaction of the subjects involved with the activities developed. The results obtained show that 76,7% of the participants felt satisfied with the sensory experience, giving it maximum grade. It was also observed a large number of correct answers regarding the recognition of plants present in the sensorial garden, 53.3% identified more than one specimen and 46.7% at least one of the plants presented, and the most used sense for the effective identification of these plants was the tact. Thus, it was concluded that activities of this nature are necessary, as they encourage students to become active subjects of their learning and allow them to recover previous knowledge aiming at the construction of scientific knowledge.
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- 2022-09-23 (2)
- 2022-07-25 (1)
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