Astronomy as a playful tool for teaching physics: equation of state and white dwarf stars
Teaching of physics, Interdiciplinarity, Equation of state, White dwarfs, Chandrasekhar limitAbstract
This interdisciplinary work proposes the use of astronomy as a ludic tool to teach Physics, hence, to arouse the curiosity of undergraduate and graduate students from the program of Exact Sciences and the Earth courses, providing enhance on the teaching-learning process in Statistical Mechanics classes. The main goal of the present study is to discuss white dwarf stars (WDS), which are the final stage of the evolution of a star like the Sun and up to 8 M⊙ , since those are an interesting object of study because of their compact nature, high density, and, also, because they are eliminated as a degenerated fermi gas. Having as motivation and interest in the improvement of the knowledge regarding these objects, we aim to obtain the relationship between the mass and the radius of the white dwarf stars, as well as to classify a sample of 5 white dwarfs required by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), according to the chemical element that is destined for the surface. At the end of this work, we conclude throughthe mass and radius ratio of white dwarf stars that the greater the mass of the star, the smaller its size, and that in equilibrium it must have a mass less than 1.44 M⊙. In addition, we show a experiment reports of this teaching innovative that used astronomy as ludic tool to teach Physics in the subject of statistical mechanics at undergraduate and master’s level.
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