Characterization of Laminar-Turbulent transition in a plane Couette flow due to stable stratification using CFD




Large Eddy Simulation, Intermittency, Stable Boundary Layer, Laminar-Turbulent Transition


Despite recent advances in understanding the physical capacity of the thermal and mechanical parameters that control or isolate the nocturnal boundary layer, these are not yet fully understood. The emergence of natural intermittence in runoff is also not a consensus in the boundary layer scientific community. Many of the studies that present numerical studies on intermittence make use of external flow, forcing that is responsible for the resurgence of turbulence. Thus, the current proposal aims to develop a numerical experiment to study the laminar-turbulent transition using computational fluid dynamics. In this case, the thermal stratification will be applied to a turbulent flow entirely generated to obtain conditions of robust stability and to reproduce an intermittent flow. The results show that when the flow regime is thoroughly turbulent, all levels are coupled by turbulence, making speed and temperature fields more homogeneous in the center of the domain. The results show that when the flow regime is completely turbulent, all levels are coupled by turbulence, making speed and temperature fields more homogeneous in the center of the domain. As a temperature gradient is introduced into the flow, the vertical levels become uncoupled, and under very stable conditions, the turbulence is wholly suppressed. While the distinction between flow regimes is evident, the transition between flow regimes occurs intermittently.


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Author Biographies

Jean Jonathan Schuster, Universidade Federal do Pampa, Alegrete, RS

Possui graduação em Engenharia Mecânica pela Universidade Federal do Pampa, mestrado em Engenharias também pela Universidade Federal do Pampa

Áttila Leães Rodrigues, Universidade Federal do Pampa, Alegrete, RS

Bio: Graduação, mestrado e doutorado em Física pelo IF-USP. Atualmente atuando como pós-doc no Depto. de Engenharia de Minas da UFRGS principalmente com aplicações de técnicas de aprendizado de máquina

Luis Fernando Camponogara, Universidade Federal do Pampa, Alegrete, RS

Possui graduação em Engenharia Mecânica pela Universidade Federal do Pampa, atualmente é mestrando em Engenharias pela Universidade Federal do Pampa

Luis Eduardo Medeiros, Universidade Federal do Pampa, Alegrete, RS

Possui graduação em Física Bacharelado pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, mestrado em Física pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, e doutorado em Atmospheric Science pela State University of New York at Albany 

Felipe Denardin Costa, Universidade Federal do Pampa, Alegrete, RS

Possui graduação em Física Licenciatura pela pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, mestrado em Física pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, e doutorado em Física pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria


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How to Cite

Schuster, J. J., Rodrigues, Áttila L., Camponogara, L. F., Medeiros, L. E., & Costa, F. D. (2020). Characterization of Laminar-Turbulent transition in a plane Couette flow due to stable stratification using CFD. Ciência E Natura, 42, e10.

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