Study of Gusts of Wind in the Brazilian Semiarid
Semiarid (Brazil), Direction, Velocity, Gust of wind, PressureAbstract
To qualify the wind it is necessary to know its direction and speed. It may have interference in direction and wind speed location, time of year, air temperature, pressure of the earth's atmosphere, humidity, atmosphere and reliefs. Their knowledge is of essential importance in various sectors of human activity, including aircraft safety, navigation, civil construction, agriculture, renewable energy, transport and etc. The focus of this work is the gusts of wind recorded in different regions of the semiarid state of Alagoas (Arapiraca and Palmeira dos Índios) and Pernambuco (Garanhuns and Petrolina) in the period 2014-2018. were analyzed the seasonal direction of the gusts, mean annual speed and gust distributions (seasonal and daily), Maximum annual bursts, monthly gust distributions, occurrences above 15 m/s and the day of the highest gust on the surface, to observe how behaves the gusts, temperature, pressure and direction at the time of winds peak.
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