“Chemistry an experimental area!”: discourses about experimentation in a chemistry teacher training course
Teacher education, Experiment, Chemistry teachingAbstract
This study aimed to understand circulation of discourses that mobilize a conception about the relationship between Chemistry and experimentation in a Chemistry Degree course, assuming its role as a supervisor of practices and seeking to problematize its effects on teacher education and Basic Education. Theoretical and methodological bases of Discourse Analysis were used in the process of research, analysis and construction of the text. The analysis points to emergence of discourses based on a conception that Chemistry is essentially an experimental area and that produces and reproduces practices, whether in production of chemical knowledge, or in teaching and learning processes, which are fundamentally based on achievement of experiments. In relation to teaching, this conception runs through ideas which are possible to problematize, such as that of experiment itself is enough for learning and that Chemistry is learned by doing. The results presented in this work show the importance of rethinking practices that are naturalized in the chemistry teacher training courses.Downloads
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