Studies and Geomorphological Classification of São Martinho da Serra - RS
Environmental studies, Geotechnologies, GeomorphologyAbstract
The relief is one of the main definers of the environmental units, so that its compartmentalization is closely related to the distribution of the other attributes of landscape genesis. The objective of this study is to establish a division of the relief of the municipality of São Martinho da Serra, Rio Grande do Sul. Cartographic bases in digital format associated with the Geographic Information System were used, through automated methods and with the integration of morphometric variables. For the definition of the relief forms, the combined analysis of the morphometric attributes amplitude and slope was considered, identifying flat areas, gentle hills of altitude, rolling hills, association of hills with large hills and buttes and isolated buttes. The relief elements were obtained through the automatic technique that consists of the analysis of the gray level of a central cell and its neighbors, determining topographic differences. The identified elements are flat, peak, ridge, shoulder, spur, slope, hollow, footslope, valley and pit. For the classification of the forms of the slopes, the profile and plane of curvature of the slopes were used, defining 4 geomorphometric units defined as Unit I convex-convergent, Unit II concave-convergent, Unit III convex-divergent and Unit IV concave-divergent. In general, the methodology used obtained satisfactory results, allowing a quick and consistent analysis of the relief of the municipality.Downloads
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