Tutoring as a Learning Strategy in Graduation Courses at UFSM
Escape and Permanence índices, Student Learning, TeachingAbstract
The aim of this paper is to present the analysis carried out on the impact of CCNE's “Central de Tutoria” on the development of UFSM students' learning, especially on the aprovation indexes. Data were collected from May to June 2019, with 752 attendances during this period in 367 students from 47 different courses at 6 teaching centers. It was found that in all the most sought after subjects in the "Central de Tutoria", the number of students approved was higher than those who failed, with a greater emphasis on the General Statistics discipline with an 88% pass rate. Overall, it was observed that the students who sought support are mostly in the first stages of the various courses. This data reinforces the objectives of the creation of the "Central de Tutoria", since it is in the early stages of the courses that the failure rate is high, contributing to dropout. In sum, student demand for this support is expected to increase and, based on the results of the data analysis presented in this work, it is believed that continuing the "Central de Tutoria" will positively contribute to the permanence rates as well as the success of our students.
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