Higher Education Technology Courses: analysis from Higher Education Census Data
Technologist, Higher Education Institutions, Dropout ratesAbstract
An attempt by education agents to form professionals from higher education, to solve the demands of society, is the offer of Higher Education Technology Courses. Among their characteristics, these courses must be offered in specific social contexts (local demands and needs) associated with short time academic training (from 2 to 3 years). Although these courses have been in existence since the 1970s, they had a greater emphasis since the 2000s, when the Brazilian legislation was updated and for the government incentives. From descriptive exploratory study, conducted a comparative analysis of the courses offered by public and private institutions. Specifically, analysis about the quantification of courses offered, the study vacancies offered, the graduating students and the relationships between courses, institutions, vacancies and graduating students were conducted. The analysis were performed from the microdata of the Higher Education Census, provided by the Ministry of Education, including data of Census from 2008 to 2017. Among the results obtained, we can highlight the practically linear growth of the offer of these courses, the contrasts between the courses offered by private and public institutions, and the low values for the graduating indicator, which resumes the high dropout rates.
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