Satisfaction of users of a University Restaurant: adaptation of a scale based on Item Response Theory
University restaurant, Item response theory, SatisfactionAbstract
The client’s opinion is one of the most accurate way to evaluate the performance of an organization. The university restaurants play an important role in public institutions of undergraduate education, representing the democratization of the university space, contributing to dropout rate reduction, and improving living conditions for the clients. Item response theory has been presenting good performance in different management applications, including customer satisfaction assessment. Thus, the goal of this paper is to create a scale to evaluate the user satisfaction level of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) restaurant considering the two-parameter logistic model (2PL) and item response theory (IRT). The data were obtained based on a form prepared using the Google Docs program, in a total of 1.855 respondents. A descriptive analysis of the considered data is presented and the 2LM model was fitted. The results show at what level of the satisfaction assessment the clients of the UFSM university restaurant are situated and the interpretation of the levels. The 2PL and IRT are identified as suitable tools for the data analysis.
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