Stock Assessment: Sustainable management in high and medium Araguari River, Amapá, Brazil.
Surplus production models, Bioeconomics, Artisanal Fisheries, Fish mortality indexes.Abstract
Fisheries in Araguari river is an alternative income for families that depend on exploitation of natural resources. This study evaluates fisheries production in high and medium Araguari river to determine the bioeconomic reference points of fishery activities. Logbooks of fisheries were used from Fishermen Colony Z-16 from 2003 to 2010. The Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) and Effort at Maximum Sustainable Yield (fmsy) was: MSYSchaefer = 11246 kg and fmsy = 754 fisheries/year, and MSYFox = 11478 kg and fmsy = 1214 fisheries/year and at Bioeconomic Equilibrium (Eebe) Eebe = 10712 kg and Effort at Bioeconomic Equilibrium (febe) febe = 918 fisheries/year. The status of fisheries from Araguari River was declared as overfishing and in this study, we found the same results. The Maximum Economic Yield (MEY) was reached too, as the fisheries were at Bioeconomic Equilibrium (EBE). The fishery mortality (Fyear/Fmsy) and fishery effort (fyear/fmsy) trends show that from 2003 to 2009 the values were sustainable. In 2010 those trends became unsustainable, and the Maximum Economic Yield (MEY) for all years is unsustainable too. It is required this study be considered in future management agreements.Downloads
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