Use of the X-ray diffraction technique for the study of samples of Ti-6Al-4V forged and manufactured by Selective Laser Melting




X-ray difraction, Cristalline structure, Bragg’s law, Selective laser melting, 4.0 Industry, Advanced manufacturing


The search for materials with well-defined characteristics is very important for any engineering project. In addition, it is known that the various types of manufacturing processes directly influence in properties of the parts. In this work, the X-ray diffraction technique was used to study the structural characteristics of Ti-6Al-4V samples manufactured by the forging and Selective Laser Melting techniques. We found that the samples made by FSL were able to present a reduction of 1% in the lattice parameter perpendicular to the studied plane, when compared with the forged samples. Since most of the parts manufactured by Selective Laser Melting meet the demands of aeronautical and aerospace projects, where residual stresses are generally undesirable for making the parts more fragile, studies like these acquire great relevance.


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How to Cite

Brum, M. A., Beck, F., Silva, O. E. da, Callegari, G. L., Carara, M. A., Marques, S., & Rigue, J. N. (2019). Use of the X-ray diffraction technique for the study of samples of Ti-6Al-4V forged and manufactured by Selective Laser Melting. Ciência E Natura, 40, 249–254.

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